This diagram reflects the relationship between the components that compose the vOneCloud platform.

vCenter infrastructure¶
- vOneCloud is an appliance that is executed on vCenter. vOneCloud then leverages this previously set up infrastructure composed of vCenter and ESX nodes.
OpenNebula (Cloud Manager)¶
- OpenNebula acts as the Cloud Manager of vOneCloud, responsible for managing your virtual vCenter resources and adding a Cloud layer on top of it.
- Sunstone is the web-based graphical interface of OpenNebula. It is available at http://<appliance_ip>. This interface is at the same time the main administration interface for you cloud infrastructure, and consumer interface for the final users of the cloud.
Control Console and Control Panel¶
Control Console and Control Panel are two components which have the goal of configuring different aspects of the vOneCloud appliance: network, appliance user accounts, OpenNebula (Sunstone) configuration and services.
- The Control Console is a text based wizard accessible through the vCenter console to the vOneCloud appliance and has relevance in the bootstrap process and the configuration of the appliance
- The Control Panel is a slick web interface and is oriented to the configuration of the vOneCloud services as well as used to update to a newer version of vOneCloud.