Known Issues and Limitations

Known Issues

These known issues will be addressed in future versions of vOneCloud:

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If you find any new issue, please let us know in the Community Questions section of the vOneCloud Support Portal.


These limitations will be addressed in future versions of vOneCloud:

Limitation Description
VM Unsupported Operations The following operations are only supported from vCenter: - Migrate VM to different ESX clusters
No spaces in Clusters VMware Clusters with space in their names are not supported
No spaces in VMDKs VMDKs with spaces in their names or paths (ie, folders that contain them) are not supported for importing, attaching or uploading
No spaces in Datastores Datastore names cannot contain spaces to be managed from vOneCloud
No CDROM drive creation Attaching a new CDROM ISO will add a new (or change the existing) ISO to an already existing CDROM drive that needs to be present in the VM
No FILES support in context Contextualization in vOneCloud does not support passing files to Virtual Machines
Cannot import “one-” VMs VMs deployed by another instance of vOneCloud, or machines named with a leading “one-” cannot be imported again
vCenter password length Cannot be more than 22 characters
Browser support Internet Explorer (>= 9), Firefox (> 3.5) and Chrome browsers are supported. Other browsers, including Safari, are not supported and may not work well.
Browser Adblock plug ins Features like VNC and VM log viewer may be affected by Adblock plug ins. Please disable these plug ins if you are experiencing issues
Cloning imported VMs Cloning in vCenter an imported VM will result in a VM that cannot be imported again. Please instantiate from templates and import the resulting VMs, instead of cloning already imported VMs.
VLAN ID not reported Only networks of type DistributedVirtualPortgroup actually import the VLAN ID
vCenter Password Length The vCenter password can only be 22 characters long.

If you find any new limitation, feel free to add a feature request in Community - Feature Request section of the vOneCloud Support Portal.